[Limited Quantity] Eel from Miyazaki Prefecture

Eel from Miyazaki Prefecture

*Customers who place orders after 10:00 p.m. will be charged a late-night charge of 10%.
*Limited quantity products will end as soon as they run out.
* Menus using meat and fish may contain bones derived from raw materials.
*Nutritional ingredients and weight are values of food cooked based on the formulation. Please use this as a guideline.
*We do not separate cooking oil and cooking utensils. Please be careful if you are sensitive.

Eel from Miyazaki Prefecture

*Customers who place orders after 10:00 p.m. will be charged a late-night charge of 10%.
*Limited quantity products will end as soon as they run out.
* Menus using meat and fish may contain bones derived from raw materials.
*Nutritional ingredients and weight are values of food cooked based on the formulation. Please use this as a guideline.
*We do not separate cooking oil and cooking utensils. Please be careful if you are sensitive.