Credit Cards and E-Money

2018.02.20: Notice of QUO card handling termination at our store (PDF)

You can pay by credit card or electronic money at Skylark(すかいらーく)stores nationwide.

AVAILABLE CREDIT CARD & ELECTRONIC MONEY Available credit card · electronic money

VISAmastercardAmerican ExpressDiners Club INTERNATIONALiDJCBUnionPay UnionPayDISCOVERJCB PREMOQUICPay +Edy

AVAILABLE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IC SERVICES Available transportation system IC services

KitacaSuicaPASMOTOICAmanacaICOCASUGOCAnimocaFast food

AVAILABLE BRANDS Available brands

Gusto(ガスト)Bamiyan(バーミヤン)Jonathan's(ジョナサン)Syabuyo(しゃぶ葉)Yumean(夢庵)Steak Gusto(ステーキガスト)Karayoshi(から好し)Musashi No Mori Coffee(むさしの森珈琲)Aiya(藍屋)Totoyamichi(魚屋路)ChawanLa Ohana(ラ・オハナ)Grazie Gardens(グラッチェガーデンズ)Tonkaratei(とんから亭)Tohsai(桃菜)Poupou Tenshin(包包點心)Tenshin Tenshin(點心甜心)Yumean Shokudo(ゆめあん食堂)Hachiro Soba(八郎そば)Three o'clock


*Payment is made in one lump sum.
*Electronic money cannot be charged.
*Gift cards issued by credit card companies cannot be used (except Aiya(藍屋)).
*Not available at some stores.
*Please check the store search page for details.